Little 4' silver tree from the '60s. On the left of the tree is a Stag candle holder that I made. Under the center of the tree is a Christmas card and a little sign which says, "God Is Love". On the right side of the tree is a silver Stag and another sign that says, "Believe".
Pickled corn in a Crock
A summertime S outhwest V irginia tradition is pickling fresh corn in a crock. This tradition started many, many years ago when there were no other means of storing food to last through the winter months. Most families had stone crocks which were used to store and pickle foods. Storing food in stone containers goes back into millennium. The ancient Egyptians stored many items in stone containers as well as early Native Americans. So, this is an ancient practice which has been carried down through the generations. My recipe for pickled corn come through such a route. Pickled Fresh Corn 6 Cups water 3 Cups apple cider vinegar 1/2 Cup pickling salt 3 Dozen Ears of Fresh Corn on the Cob ( cut off whole kernel ) Shuck the corn, then Silk the corn, after Silken the corn, Wash the corn in cool water. Cut the fresh corn off of cob as whole kernel into a large bowl. The...
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