
Showing posts from March, 2012

Golden Eagle and Golden Girl

picture:Ranger Marceia Holland and Golden Eagle Recently at Grayson Highlands State Park, a research of the migration of the Golden Eagle took place.  The Rangers and Researchers captured this young Golden Eagle to study and tag the bird for future study on how they migrate from Canada to places in the United State (in this case to the high mountains of Southwestern Virginia).   The golden girl holding the Golden Eagle is Marceia Holland, a hard-working dedicated  ranger at Grayson Highlands State Park, who has written an article on the migration of the Golden Eagles which can be found on Virginia State Parks web-site and Miss Marcie is a wonderful friend who was once my boss. After the study in which left the bird unharmed, it was released in the wilderness area from which it was captured. 

Life Learnings

Picture: Copper Creek Railroad Tussle taken by Chris Starnes It’s what you learn after you know it all that’s important.---Cowboy Wisdom of the Day