
Showing posts from February, 2012

Copper Creek Railroad Trussel

Copper Creek Railroad Trussel A magnifiscent picture taken by Chris Starnes  of a local Trussel  which was built by CCRs. It is a local landmark which attacts many a tourist's camera.


Male Cardinal Winter has finally struck Southwest Virginia.  The Robins have been singing their little hearts out for about a month, the Easter Lilies have been blooming, and the Tulips are up and trying to bud~ now winter is here. But better now than April, May or June.  It is always good to have some snow in the winter~it is good for the ground for it puts nutrients into the soil that the hay fields, pastures and gardens will need for the new growing season.

New Primitve Crafts

Primitve Decorated Electric Cande $15.00 12" Mardi Gras Mask Wreath $15.00 12" White Roses Wreath $15.00 12" White Easter Bunny $12.00 16" Heart Wreath $15.00