
Showing posts from August, 2011

A Dress of the Past

This dress was worn by a woman of Southwest Virginia who loved, lived, raised her family and died, all in the same little valley.  She lived during the early 19th century and is buried not far from where she lived her life.  She never travelled more than 15 miles from the area and so the area was her whole life.  She married a man from the little valley, and this was where they raised their family .  She worked long hard hours for her husband and family, but never complained about that was the life of a woman of Southwest Virginia, and she loved her family very, very much.  The lady's soft tender hands grew rough and callous as the years rolled past without her even realizing it for her days were filled with cooking, gathering, cleaning, washing, sewing, spinning, darning, and other mundane chores which were laden to a woman in that century.  She raised her family in a little, but clean log home (only three very small rooms).  All h...

A Road Less Travelled

A road less travelled back into time to find a  S outhwest V irginia c emetery . An old gravestone to mark a long forgotten soul. The grave now grown over from lack of tender love and timeless neglect.  The only fair companions are now the deer and small creatures of the forest.     At last, I rest awaiting the arrival of my dear   L ove .

Pickled corn in a Crock

A summertime S outhwest V irginia tradition is pickling fresh corn in a crock.  This tradition started many, many years ago when there were no other means of storing food to last through the winter months.  Most families had stone crocks which were used to store and pickle foods.  Storing food in stone containers goes back into millennium.  The ancient Egyptians stored many items in stone containers as well as early Native Americans.  So, this is an ancient practice which has been carried down through the generations. My recipe for pickled corn come through such a route.  Pickled Fresh Corn 6    Cups water 3    Cups apple cider vinegar 1/2 Cup pickling salt 3    Dozen Ears of Fresh Corn on the Cob ( cut off whole kernel ) Shuck the corn,  then Silk the corn,  after Silken the corn, Wash the corn in cool water. Cut the fresh corn off of cob as whole kernel into a large bowl.  The...
T his is the main man in my life , my husband, Edgar and his trusted mount, Dandi.   We do 17th century reenactments and  Edgar always rides his horse.  Dandi loves it as much as Edgar because they both can show-off a little when they are reenacting.  They love to do the horse races because they have never been beaten.  Dandi would die before he would let another horse beat him. Love this horse.   Dandi has such wonderful spirit.

Hello! Welcome to the Rain Crow Dairy.

These are my thoughts of the world around me and how I see them through my eyes.  I hope to inspire, create, and help you and myself just a little along the way.  Life is a journey full of laughter, tears, excitement, fear, love, hate, good, bad, ugly, and beautiful things to learn from so that hopefully we become better, wiser, and a more loving person.  I hope to become a  better listener and friend to the people, animals, plants, environment around me and to listen more to my spirit guide(Holy Spirit) and to become more learned in the spiritual side of life. Also, I hope to have a load of fun sharing this diary with you.  As the sign says,"Don't take Life Too Seriously, It's not Permanent!" 'Just sprinkle a little fairy dust on it and it will be better.'